GESSATO: Elegant brushes specially designed to safely clean vinyl records and look great alongside a high-end turntable.

ramar record brush

Ber­lin-based hi-fi acces­so­ry brand Ramar makes pro­ducts for peo­p­le who love inno­va­ti­on but also value tra­di­tio­nal craft­sman­ship. The Ramar series of vinyl record brushes is a gre­at exam­p­le of the company’s approach to design. Crea­ted by brand foun­der Ran­gel Vasev, the brushes are ele­gant and inge­nious at the same time. They fea­ture spe­ci­al­ly desi­gned, six dou­ble rows of car­bon fibers and two rows of goat hair. This com­bi­na­ti­on of mate­ri­als and the spe­ci­fic lay­out of the brist­le rows ensu­res excel­lent dust rem­oval as well as opti­mal dis­si­pa­ti­on of any exis­ting elec­tro­sta­tic char­ge. As the user brushes the sur­face of a vinyl record, the brist­les pick up ever­y­thing from the groo­ves, from fine dust to lar­ger par­tic­les. Apart from remo­ving elec­tro­sta­tic char­ges, the brushes also pre­vent their for­ma­ti­on during the clea­ning process.

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