Following our motto "Innovation, Quality and Aesthetics for exceptional sound experience", we have developed JEWEL - a unique resonance control concept to neutralize unwanted vibrations and resonances on the record, that affect the signal path.

JEWEL has one of a kind asymmetrical design. Although the outer contours of the body, milled from solid stainless steel, are asymmetrical we have achieved a perfectly even weight distribution.

Ramar's three-point approach: The combination of a shaft seal, brass rods and Sorbothane damping ring minimizes the contact points with the turntable and the record while allowing the energy of unwanted mechanical noise and vibrations from the record player and the record itself to be absorbed and neutralized.

Read more about the technical details in the description below.




All record weights and clamps known to us are simi­lar in their basic cylind­ri­cal shape. With JEWEL, we have imple­men­ted a dar­ing design con­cept and deve­lo­ped the first asym­me­tri­cal reso­nan­ce con­trol con­cept. Alt­hough the outer con­tours of the body, mil­led from solid stain­less steel, are asym­me­tri­cal, in num­e­rous com­pu­ter simu­la­ti­ons we have mana­ged to achie­ve one hundred per­cent even weight distribution.

With our three-point approach, we have deve­lo­ped a uni­que reso­nan­ce con­trol con­cept. The com­bi­na­ti­on of a shaft seal, brass rods and Sor­bo­tha­ne dam­ping ring mini­mi­zes the cont­act points with the turn­ta­ble and the record while allo­wing the ener­gy of unwan­ted mecha­ni­cal noi­se and vibra­ti­ons from the record play­er and the record its­elf to be absor­bed and neutralized.

Ramar’s Record Stand was also desi­gned as addi­tio­nal pack­a­ging pro­tec­tion for the reso­nan­ce con­trol con­cept. This makes the pack­a­ging safer and more sus­tainable. When you purcha­se JEWEL, the Record Stand is included.


JEWEL is moun­ted to the spind­le via a so-cal­led shaft seal. The uni­que design of the shaft seal ring ensu­res a sta­ble con­nec­tion with the spind­le. The ela­s­tic coa­ting of the ring neu­tra­li­zes the vibra­ti­ons, that might be trans­mit­ted via the spind­le. At the same time, the expan­da­ble NBR rub­ber coa­ting allows JEWEL to be used on a wide varie­ty of record play­ers with dif­fe­rent spind­les. The mate­ri­al NBR (nitri­le buta­die­ne rub­ber) is an elas­to­mer with excel­lent mecha­ni­cal pro­per­ties and has high abra­si­on and ten­si­le strength. The­re is a coil spring around the cen­ter hole insi­de the shaft seal that ser­ves to addi­tio­nal­ly sta­bi­li­ze the spind­le mount. 

• Eight brass rods are sus­pen­ded inde­pendent­ly of each other in the body. As soon as JEWEL is pla­ced on the record, the rods plun­ge down and gent­ly touch the sur­face. The­se trans­mit some of the reso­nan­ces insi­de JEWEL, whe­re they are eli­mi­na­ted. The sus­pen­si­on allows the indi­vi­du­al rods to adapt per­fect­ly to any dif­fe­ren­ces in height of the record sur­face cau­sed by dif­fe­rent label struc­tures. This ensu­res that the cont­act sur­face of the brass rods remains con­stant for all records.

• In col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with Sor­bo­tha­ne Inc., we have deve­lo­ped a uni­que Sor­bo­tha­ne dam­ping ring. This was deve­lo­ped accor­ding to our spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons for the func­tion, mass and shape of JEWEL and ensu­res balan­ced dam­ping of unwan­ted vibra­ti­ons and reso­nan­ces from records.

Sor­bo­tha­ne is a pro­prie­ta­ry, vis­coela­s­tic poly­mer. Vis­coela­s­tic means that the mate­ri­al has pro­per­ties of both liquids and solids (ela­s­tic mate­ri­als). Sor­bo­tha­ne com­bi­nes shock absorp­ti­on, good memo­ry, vibra­ti­on iso­la­ti­on and vibra­ti­on dam­ping. While many mate­ri­als have only one of the­se pro­per­ties, Sor­bo­tha­ne com­bi­nes all of them in a sta­ble mate­ri­al with a long ser­vice life.


In order to be able to use JEWEL pro­per­ly, you need a visi­ble (abo­ve the sur­face of the record) height of the spind­le bet­ween a mini­mum of 6mm and a maxi­mum of 20mm. With a lower or hig­her spind­le length, the desi­red hori­zon­tal pla­ce­ment of JEWEL can be enorm­ously impai­red or even prevented.

Additional information

Weight 379 g
Dimensions 7 × 7 × 2,2 cm
Item number


Scope of delivery

JEWEL Resonance control concept, storage box

Delivery time

Shipping takes place 3 to 5 days after receipt of the order.

Technical data

Weight JEWEL - 379g
Dimensions (mm) - Height: 22 x Diameter ca. 70
Body - Stainless steel


In order to be able to use JEWEL properly, you need a visible (above the surface of the record) height of the spindle between a minimum of 6mm and a maximum of 20mm. With a lower or higher spindle length, the desired horizontal placement of JEWEL can be enormously impaired or even prevented.