Resistor Mag Review: The Ramar Record Brush by Rangel Vasev

review ramar record brush

Resistor Mag Review: The Ramar Record Brush by Rangel Vasev

The more orbits around our sun one tra­vels, the more one comes to app­re­cia­te tho­se objects made by hand with a com­mit­ment to qua­li­ty, and a sin­gu­la­ri­ty of pur­po­se in their design and exe­cu­ti­on. I’m spea­king of ran­ge­fin­der came­ras, point-to-point wired val­ve ampli­fiers, idler turn­ta­bles, small-batch whis­ky, bespo­ke road bikes… record brushes. I never thought I’d be inclu­ding a record brush on a list of objet d’art, but after see­ing one online, reques­t­ing a review sam­ple, and using one, I’d be remiss to not include it. The Ramar Record Brush, desi­gned and hand­craf­ted by Ran­gel Vasev in Ber­lin, Ger­ma­ny is ano­ther fine exam­p­le of what hap­pens when an arti­san focu­ses on making the best.

Review: The Ramar Record Brush by Ran­gel Vasev
