Robb Report: This Design-Savvy Record Brush Will Keep Your Vinyl Clean and Look Good Doing It


“Ramar is a small Ber­lin-based manu­fac­tu­rer of artis­a­nal record brushes and access­ories. The company’s foun­der, Ran­gel Vasev, deve­lo­ped his brush after fin­ding none on the mar­ket that met his stan­dards, aes­the­ti­cal­ly or with regard to mate­ri­als employ­ed in their manu­fac­tu­re. “While sear­ching for the right equip­ment, it beca­me clear to me that the­re was a lack of qua­li­ty and sophisti­ca­ti­on in hi-fi access­ories,” says Vasev. “I sim­ply could not find a record brush that work­ed excel­lent­ly and met my design expec­ta­ti­ons. Thus, I was inspi­red to design my own.”

His efforts paid off, as this year, Vasev recei­ved the Ger­man Design Council’s 2021 Ger­man Design Award for Excel­lent Pro­duct Design—Entertainment. How many brushes get an award for design? That may be becau­se the body and lid of each brush are mil­led from a solid pie­ce of hard­wood, crea­ting a beau­tiful object in its own right.”