The Absolute Sound: Ramar record brush



“I’ve got to give Ramar cre­dit. In one fell swoop it has ele­va­ted the pro­sa­ic record-clea­ning brush into some­thing far bey­ond what its hum­ble ori­g­ins ever sug­gested it could be. Would I buy one? Darn right I would. Extra­va­gant, okay, but rela­ti­ve to the cost of your LP rig and vinyl libra­ry, this is one splu­r­ge that is more than worth it. A joy to use, Ramar has taken a tedious cho­re and made pam­pe­ring a record coll­ec­tion a red-car­pet ritu­al.” Neil Gader 


Review: Ramar Record Brush
