Our record brushes are made of solid wood. Curr­ent­ly you can choo­se bet­ween three types of wood – wal­nut, cher­ry and ash. The sur­face is oiled. The­r­e­fo­re it is abra­si­on-resistant and resistant to dirt. Brush hand­le and case are mil­led from a sin­gle woo­den blank. The brist­le cover is made of alu­mi­ni­um and coa­ted with elec­trol­ess nickel. Elec­trol­ess nickel coa­tings are excep­tio­nal­ly wear-resistant, offer very high cor­ro­si­on pro­tec­tion and are conductive.

The uni­que­ness of each woo­den blank gua­ran­tees the indi­vi­dua­li­ty and exclu­si­ve appearance of each brush. Sto­ring the brush in a case increa­ses its life span and pro­tects car­bon fibres and natu­ral goat hair from dama­ge and dirt. For an excel­lent clea­ning result, we recom­mend to dust the brush befo­re use and at regu­lar inter­vals with the clea­ning pad made of natu­ral felt provided.

ramar par­ti­ci­pa­ted with his record brush ‘Tina’ in the Ger­man Design Award 2021. The jury awards a »Spe­cial Men­ti­on« in the cate­go­ry Excel­lent Pro­duct Design — Enter­tain­ment. Thus our record brushes belong now to the small, sel­ect cir­cle of win­ning works of the year 2021.

Tree vinyl brushes from ramar handmade in Berlin.


Each brush has its own seri­al num­ber. This uni­que data­ba­se allows us to easi­ly track who built the brush and when, even after years. At the same time it is also pos­si­ble to check which mate­ri­als were used. At customer’s request and if neces­sa­ry, the fibres can be rene­wed and thus the brush can be “over­hau­led”. We are plea­sed to stay in clo­se cont­act with our cus­to­mers and offer an exclu­si­ve repair ser­vice. Do you have any ques­ti­ons? Plea­se send us a mes­sa­ge to info@ramar.berlin or use our cont­act form.

record brush ramar handmade in Berlin


During the deve­lo­p­ment pha­se we put the record brush through num­e­rous prac­ti­cal tests. The six dou­ble rows with mil­li­ons of car­bon fibres tho­rough­ly feel every groo­ve and are sup­port­ed by the two rows of goat hair. Whe­ther fine dust or lar­ger dirt par­tic­les – the uni­que mix­tu­re of car­bon fibres and goat hair careful­ly remo­ves every par­tic­le from the groo­ves of the record and picks it up safely.

record brush ramar handmade in Berlin