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  • LP Ramar Jewel

    “More than just weight” — LP Magazine for analog hi-fi & vinyl culture

    “Jewel” makes record play­back purer, more spa­cious and cris­per, and the groo­ve noi­se also appears quie­ter. Defi­ni­te­ly one of the most effec­ti­ve record weights on the mar­ket. Review LP Maga­zi­ne, Issue 2/2025 (Ger­man)
  • ramar jewel audiophilia

    Ramar Berlin “JEWEL”— Review on Audiophilia.com

    I love the look of the JEWEL—it has real style and ele­gan­ce as it rota­tes on the plat­ter. And I was very impres­sed with its effi­ca­cy. It offe­red a clea­ner sound­s­ta­ge than the Pure Fide­li­ty (at three times the cost) (the pro­ver­bi­al veil lifted) and tigh­ter bass. Com­pared to the Pure Fide­li­ty, tim­bral cues were…
  • Is Ramar the ultimate vinyl brush?

    “If a record is pro­per­ly dir­ty it will need a wet clean but as a rule dust is the main issue and the Ramar Tina does a very good of remo­ving it, bet­ter than any other brush I’ve tried. It is also a work of art that ranks along­side high end turn­ta­bles in terms of…
  • handcrafted ramar record brush keeps your vinyls dust-free and safe from static charge

    Ran­gel Vasev designs hand­craf­ted record brush   Ran­gel Vasev, foun­der of hi-fi acces­so­ry brand RAMAR, designs record brushes known for their uni­que con­s­truc­tion and meti­cu­lous arti­stry. Hand­craf­ted in Ber­lin, each brush com­bi­nes six dou­ble rows with mil­li­ons of car­bon fibers to reach every groo­ve, sup­port­ed by two rows of goat hair. The mix­tu­re of materials…

  • The Absolute Sound: Ramar record brush

        “I’ve got to give Ramar cre­dit. In one fell swoop it has ele­va­ted the pro­sa­ic record-clea­ning brush into some­thing far bey­ond what its hum­ble ori­g­ins ever sug­gested it could be. Would I buy one? Darn right I would. Extra­va­gant, okay, but rela­ti­ve to the cost of your LP rig and vinyl libra­ry, this…

    Every vinyl-spin­ning audio­phi­le knows the importance of clean LP sur­faces and pro­ba­b­ly owns at least one car­bon-fiber record brush. But Ramar, head­quar­te­red in Ger­ma­ny, has ele­va­ted the pro­sa­ic brush into some­thing, well, über-luxu­rious. The two-pie­ce case is made of solid wood, mil­led from a sin­gle woo­den blank, then impec­ca­bly oiled and finis­hed in your choice…
  • review ramar record brush

    Resistor Mag Review: The Ramar Record Brush by Rangel Vasev

    The more orbits around our sun one tra­vels, the more one comes to app­re­cia­te tho­se objects made by hand with a com­mit­ment to qua­li­ty, and a sin­gu­la­ri­ty of pur­po­se in their design and exe­cu­ti­on. I’m spea­king of ran­ge­fin­der came­ras, point-to-point wired val­ve ampli­fiers, idler turn­ta­bles, small-batch whis­ky, bespo­ke road bikes… record brushes. I never thought…
  • ramar hifitest

    Record brush extreme

    Hand­ling the ramar brush is a pure plea­su­re. It feels very good to the hand, can be sto­wed back in the lid with a sin­gle move­ment after each use and turns the clea­ning of records into an almost sen­su­al expe­ri­ence. Review: Ramar record brush
  • Ramar record brush at audiophile style

      “A record brush? Yes, a record brush. Mind you, not just any sort of record brush. Put dif­fer­ent­ly, my Kuz­ma XL DC is not just ano­ther turn­ta­ble, much less a Crosby $99 Ama­zon spe­cial. See what I mean? Frank­ly, record brushes are a must have acces­so­ry for your LP play­back pro­cess. Gene­ral­ly spea­king, they…
  • Robb Report: This Design-Savvy Record Brush Will Keep Your Vinyl Clean and Look Good Doing It

      “Ramar is a small Ber­lin-based manu­fac­tu­rer of artis­a­nal record brushes and access­ories. The company’s foun­der, Ran­gel Vasev, deve­lo­ped his brush after fin­ding none on the mar­ket that met his stan­dards, aes­the­ti­cal­ly or with regard to mate­ri­als employ­ed in their manu­fac­tu­re. “While sear­ching for the right equip­ment, it beca­me clear to me that the­re was a…