Inspired by the artists Christo and Jeanne-Claude, we decided to "wrap up" in a real metal skin a limited series record brushes and emphasizes the value of music and especially the record as a sound medium.

The production currently requires about four weeks.




ramar’s brushes are cha­rac­te­ri­zed by a uni­que brush trim. Six dou­ble rows of car­bon fibres and two rows of goat hair are used in ela­bo­ra­te hand­work in our work­shop in Ber­lin. The spe­ci­fic arran­ge­ment of the brist­le rows ensu­res excel­lent dust absorp­ti­on. The six dou­ble rows with mil­li­ons of car­bon fibres tho­rough­ly feel every groo­ve and are sup­port­ed by the two rows of goat hair. Whe­ther fine dust or lar­ger dirt par­tic­les — the uni­que mix­tu­re of car­bon fibres and goat hair careful­ly remo­ves every par­tic­le from the sur­face and picks it up safely.

The mate­ri­al pro­per­ties of the indi­vi­du­al com­pon­ents and the design of the brushes ensu­re opti­mum dis­si­pa­ti­on of exis­ting elec­tro­sta­tic char­ge. At the same time, howe­ver, they also pre­vent their for­ma­ti­on during cleaning.


Chris­to is made of solid wood. The woo­den sur­face is cover­ed with a real metal skin. First, the metal lay­er is appli­ed to the brush body and left to har­den. After­wards, the metal is san­ded and polished to a high gloss. Fina­ly the sur­face is sea­led to pre­vent fin­ger­prints and to ensu­re dura­bi­li­ty and per­sis­tence. The brist­le cover is made of alu­mi­ni­um refi­ned with elec­trol­ess nickel. Elec­trol­ess nickel lay­ers are excep­tio­nal­ly wear-resistant, offer very high cor­ro­si­on pro­tec­tion and are conductive.

Sto­ring the brush in a case increa­ses its dura­bi­li­ty and pro­tects car­bon fib­re and goat hair from dama­ge and dirt. For an excel­lent clea­ning result, we recom­mend to dust the brushes befo­re use and at regu­lar inter­vals with the clea­ning pad made of natu­ral felt supplied.


Each brush is pro­vi­ded with a seri­al num­ber. This data­ba­se with pro­duc­tion infor­ma­ti­on allows us to easi­ly trace who made which brush and when, even after seve­ral years. At the same time it is also pos­si­ble to check which mate­ri­als were used. At the customer’s request and if neces­sa­ry, the fibres can be rene­wed and thus the brush can be “over­hau­led”. We are plea­sed to stay in clo­se cont­act with our cus­to­mers and offer an exclu­si­ve repair ser­vice. Do you have any ques­ti­ons? Plea­se send us a mes­sa­ge to or use our cont­act form.

ramar german design award special 2021

Additional information

Weight 220 g
Dimensions 12,5 × 4,4 × 4,4 cm
Item number


Scope of delivery

record brush, case, stylus brush, cleaning pad, storage box

Delivery time

The production currently requires about four weeks.

Technical data

Weight Brush - ca. 140 g
Weight Brush and Case - ca. 220 g
Dimensions brush with case (mm) - 44H x 121.5W x 44D
Body - Solid wood, MIDAS metal
Brush hair - Six double rows of carbon fibre and two rows of goat hair
Bristle cover - aluminium, electroless nickel coating
Stylus Brush - stainless steel (brushed), carbon fibre, walnut
Serial number - Stainless steel (brushed)
Rod magnets - Neodymium (nickel-plated)


The pictures shown are for reference only, the actual product may vary. Small scratches and deformations may occur during the application of MIDAS metal. These do not constitute grounds for complaint or liability. Wood is a natural product and it lives. A minimal growth, shrinkage or warping is therefore also possible in the final product!