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  • ramar record brush

    GESSATO: Elegant brushes specially designed to safely clean vinyl records and look great alongside a high-end turntable.

    Ber­lin-based hi-fi acces­so­ry brand Ramar makes pro­ducts for peo­p­le who love inno­va­ti­on but also value tra­di­tio­nal craft­sman­ship. The Ramar series of vinyl record brushes is a gre­at exam­p­le of the company’s approach to design. Crea­ted by brand foun­der Ran­gel Vasev, the brushes are ele­gant and inge­nious at the same time. They fea­ture spe­ci­al­ly desi­gned, six…
  • ramar record brush at stereophile november 2020

    Michael Fremer: The Most Elegant Record Brush Ever?

    In the Novem­ber issue of Ste­reo­phi­le Micha­el Fre­mer asks the ques­ti­on “The Most Ele­gant Record Brush Ever?” and com­pa­res seve­ral record brushes. Are the record brushes from ramar real­ly the most ele­gant ever? Here you can find the ans­wer: Ana­log Cor­ner #303: Acces­so­ri­ze Your Ride
  • ramar record brush at MINT MAGAZINE 40

    The record brushes from ramar at MINT NR. 40

    MINT MAGAZINE FOR VINYL CULTURE: Sin­ce its foun­ding in 2015, MINT has beco­me the voice of a dedi­ca­ted vinyl com­mu­ni­ty. Records have cele­bra­ted a tre­men­dous revi­val in recent years — our maga­zi­ne for vinyl cul­tu­re addres­ses a ste­adi­ly gro­wing com­mu­ni­ty with expert know­ledge, enig­ma­tic reports and a multi­tu­de of record reviews. MINT MAGAZIN
  • ramar german design award 2021

    ramar wins “Special Mention” at the German Design Award

    ramar par­ti­ci­pa­ted with his record brush ‘Tina’ in the Ger­man Design Award 2021. The jury is enthu­si­a­stic and awards a »Spe­cial Men­ti­on« in the cate­go­ry Excel­lent Pro­duct Design — Enter­tain­ment. Thus our record brushes belong now to the small, sel­ect cir­cle of win­ning works of the year 2021. About GDA The Ger­man Design Award (GDA)…
  • ramar at HISE Magazine 2020-06

    The record brushes from ramar at “Hiše”

    Hiše THE ARCHITECTURE MAGAZINE HISE REPORTS ABOUT OUR RECORD BRUSHES In the cur­rent sum­mer edi­ti­on, the archi­tec­tu­re maga­zi­ne Hiše (Hou­ses) from Slove­nia reports on how the coro­na pan­de­mic is making its­elf felt in archi­tec­tu­re, design and public space. One artic­le regu­lar­ly pres­ents 24 design objects that are lin­ked to a spe­ci­fic the­me. In the current…
  • Record brush from ramar Berlin on "Mono and Stereo"

    The record brushes from ramar at “Mono and Stereo”

    “ramar record brush has arri­ved” — A gre­at artic­le about our record brushes at “Mono & Ste­reo”. We are very plea­sed that the brushes from ramar have recei­ved such a posi­ti­ve respon­se. Pho­to: “Mono and Stereo”
  • Thank you Roger O´Donnell

    Roger O´Donnell: A very good fri­end of mine has star­ted making the most ama­zing brush for vinyl, its all hand made out of the most beau­tiful wood and metal with car­bon fib­re and goats hair brushes! Strict­ly for the audio­phi­les out the­re … Roger´s Tweet
  • Tree vinyl brushes from ramar handmade in Berlin.

    The vinyl record brush from ramar

    Here you can watch our image video and learn more about how our brushes are manu­fac­tu­red. The record brushes from ramar are hand­craf­ted in our work­shop in Ber­lin. Curr­ent­ly you can choo­se bet­ween three types of wood — wal­nut, cher­ry and ash. The sur­face is oiled. The uni­que­ness of each wood blank gua­ran­tees the individuality…
  • Logo Analog-Forum Krefeld

    Analog-Forum Krefeld 2020

    Due to the con­di­ti­ons cau­sed by the coro­na cri­sis, the Ana­lo­gue Forum Kre­feld 2020 was can­ce­led by the orga­nisers. We ask for your under­stan­ding that we will the­r­e­fo­re not be able to exhi­bit at the Ana­lo­gue Forum Kre­feld 2020 on Novem­ber 14th and 15th at the Mer­cu­re Tagungs- u. Land­ho­tel as announ­ced by us. We…