Innovation, quality and aesthetics for exceptional sound experience

The record brushes from ramar are cha­rac­te­ri­zed by their uni­que brush trim and aes­the­tics. Six dou­ble rows of car­bon fibres and two rows of goat hair are used in ela­bo­ra­te hand­work. Thus our brushes com­bi­ne the best cha­rac­te­ristics of the known brush types. The mate­ri­al pro­per­ties of the indi­vi­du­al com­pon­ents as well as the spe­ci­fic arran­ge­ment of the brist­le rows

ensu­re excel­lent dust absorp­ti­on and dis­si­pa­ti­on elec­tro­sta­tic char­ge. Our pro­ducts stand for inno­va­ti­on, qua­li­ty and aes­the­tics. With gre­at dedi­ca­ti­on we deve­lop hi-fi access­ories with clear lines and atten­ti­on to detail. We design for peo­p­le who app­re­cia­te craftsmanship.

ramar record stabilizer

Fol­lo­wing our mot­to we have deve­lo­ped JEWEL — a uni­que reso­nan­ce con­trol con­cept to neu­tra­li­ze unwan­ted vibra­ti­ons and reso­nan­ces on the record, that affect the signal path. With JEWEL we want to pre­ser­ve the natu­ral and authen­tic sound of the record.

JEWEL has one of a kind asym­me­tri­cal design. Alt­hough the outer con­tours of the body, mil­led from solid stain­less steel, are asym­me­tri­cal we have achie­ved a per­fect­ly even weight distribution.


The Ramar Record Stand allows you to show­ca­se an indi­vi­du­al record cover, seve­ral at the same time or even a box set. The uni­que design con­cept and wide base ensu­res that LP jackets can be secu­re­ly and sty­lish­ly displayed.

With the included adjus­t­ment ring, you can easi­ly adjust the tilt ang­le of the records and opti­mi­ze the view of the cover.


Michael Fremer

Edi­tor | Ana­log Pla­net | Ste­reo­phi­le

The­se hand­ma­de brushes make you want to brush even the clea­nest of records.

Review: Ana­log Cor­ner #303

Neil Gader

The Abso­lu­te Sound | Neil Gader

“I’ve got to give Ramar cre­dit. In one fell swoop it has ele­va­ted the pro­sa­ic record-clea­ning brush into some­thing far bey­ond what its hum­ble ori­g­ins ever sug­gested it could be. Would I buy one? Darn right I would. Extra­va­gant, okay, but rela­ti­ve to the cost of your LP rig and vinyl libra­ry, this is one splu­r­ge that is more than worth it. A joy to use, Ramar has taken a tedious cho­re and made pam­pe­ring a record coll­ec­tion a red-car­pet ritual.”

Review by Neil Gader

Rafe Arnott

Edi­tor | Resis­tor­mag | Insta­gram

The Ramar Record Brush, desi­gned and hand­craf­ted by Ran­gel Vasev in Ber­lin, Ger­ma­ny is ano­ther fine exam­p­le of what hap­pens when an arti­san focu­ses on making the best.

Matej Isak

Foun­der & CEO

I use the ramar record brush dai­ly and it is one of the finest and most prac­ti­cal record brushes I’ve have ever used. The magne­ti­cal­ly atta­ched top cover can be easi­ly locked with the brush and clo­ses after each use to pro­tect the brush from dust accu­mu­la­ti­on. The inge­nious­ly inte­gra­ted need­le brush also auto­ma­ti­cal­ly snaps into place in the box pro­vi­ded. Ever­y­thing about the ramar fol­lows the simp­le logic of “a place for ever­y­thing with ever­y­thing in its place”. I love how ever­y­thing is well thought out, inclu­ding natu­ral, high-qua­li­ty materials.