handcrafted ramar record brush keeps your vinyls dust-free and safe from static charge

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Rangel Vasev designs handcrafted record brush


Ran­gel Vasev, foun­der of hi-fi acces­so­ry brand RAMAR, designs record brushes known for their uni­que con­s­truc­tion and meti­cu­lous arti­stry. Hand­craf­ted in Ber­lin, each brush com­bi­nes six dou­ble rows with mil­li­ons of car­bon fibers to reach every groo­ve, sup­port­ed by two rows of goat hair. The mix­tu­re of mate­ri­als and the design of the brushes opti­mi­ze dust absorp­ti­on and pre­vent sta­tic char­ge. Whe­ther it’s fine dust or lar­ger dirt par­tic­les, the blend of car­bon fibers and goat hair careful­ly remo­ves every speck from the vinyl’s sur­face and picks it up safe­ly. The RAMAR brush hand­les and cases are mil­led from a sin­gle woo­den blank and are available in three types of solid wood: wal­nut, cher­ry, and ash.

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