“Mehr als nur Gewicht” — LP Magazin für analoges HiFi & Vinyl-Kultur
„Jewel“ macht die Schalplattenwiedergabe entschlackter, großräumiger und knackiger, zudem erscheint das Rillenrauschen leiser. Definitiv eines der effektivsten Auflagegewichte am Markt. Bericht in der LP, Ausgabe 2/2025 -
Ramar Berlin “JEWEL”— Review on Audiophilia.com
I love the look of the JEWEL—it has real style and elegance as it rotates on the platter. And I was very impressed with its efficacy. It offered a cleaner soundstage than the Pure Fidelity (at three times the cost) (the proverbial veil lifted) and tighter bass. Compared to the Pure Fidelity, timbral cues were… -
Is Ramar the ultimate vinyl brush?
“If a record is properly dirty it will need a wet clean but as a rule dust is the main issue and the Ramar Tina does a very good of removing it, better than any other brush I’ve tried. It is also a work of art that ranks alongside high end turntables in terms of… -
handcrafted ramar record brush keeps your vinyls dust-free and safe from static charge
Rangel Vasev designs handcrafted record brush Rangel Vasev, founder of hi-fi accessory brand RAMAR, designs record brushes known for their unique construction and meticulous artistry. Handcrafted in Berlin, each brush combines six double rows with millions of carbon fibers to reach every groove, supported by two rows of goat hair. The mixture of materials…
The Absolute Sound: Ramar record brush
“I’ve got to give Ramar credit. In one fell swoop it has elevated the prosaic record-cleaning brush into something far beyond what its humble origins ever suggested it could be. Would I buy one? Darn right I would. Extravagant, okay, but relative to the cost of your LP rig and vinyl library, this… -
Im Dienste des Klangs
In einer Zeit, in der sowohl Musikkonsum, als auch Musikproduktion hauptsächlich aus Einsen und Nullen besteht, folgt die Sehnsucht nach Haptik vielleicht dem Naturgesetz der Reaktion. Ein schönes Beispiel für akustische Haptik ist Vinyl. Das Revival der Schallplatte ist kein Trend, sondern eben genau das: Eine Wiedergeburt. Sie ist zurückgekommen, um zu bleiben. Und wie… -
Every vinyl-spinning audiophile knows the importance of clean LP surfaces and probably owns at least one carbon-fiber record brush. But Ramar, headquartered in Germany, has elevated the prosaic brush into something, well, über-luxurious. The two-piece case is made of solid wood, milled from a single wooden blank, then impeccably oiled and finished in your choice… -
Resistor Mag Review: The Ramar Record Brush by Rangel Vasev
The more orbits around our sun one travels, the more one comes to appreciate those objects made by hand with a commitment to quality, and a singularity of purpose in their design and execution. I’m speaking of rangefinder cameras, point-to-point wired valve amplifiers, idler turntables, small-batch whisky, bespoke road bikes… record brushes. I never thought… -
Plattenbürste extrem
Der Umgang mit der Ramar-Bürste ist eine reine Freude. Sie fast sich sehr gut an, lässt sich nach jeder Benutzung mit einem Handgriff wieder im Deckel verstauen und lässt den einen reinigenden Handgriff beim Auflegen einer Platte zu einer beinahe sinnlichen Erfahrung werden. Einzeltest: Ramar Plattenbürste -
Ramar record brush bei audiophile style
“A record brush? Yes, a record brush. Mind you, not just any sort of record brush. Put differently, my Kuzma XL DC is not just another turntable, much less a Crosby $99 Amazon special. See what I mean? Frankly, record brushes are a must have accessory for your LP playback process. Generally speaking, they…
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